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Documenting Your Motherhood

Documenting Your Motherhood

As mothers, we are the Memory Makers. The Documenters. The Keepsake Keepers. The Sentimental Sallies. 

We are the ones meticulously filing away absurdly large piles of school papers and artwork (or the ones tossing them in the recycling bin when our child isn’t looking!) 

We fall into either extreme or somewhere in the middle, but regardless, it’s up to us, isn’t it?

We are so careful about preserving their childhood memories, but who’s keeping track of ours? As the mom in the story?

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Don't Mom Alone: You Need a Village

Don't Mom Alone: You Need a Village

One of the most common associations we make with motherhood is the concept of a supportive, tight-knit “village” of mothers to build community with. But for many moms this village can be elusive or even non-existent.

BUT -- it doesn’t have to be this way.

It doesn’t have to stay this way. You don’t have to continue through this season without support. We need each other. Motherhood thrives most in conjunction with other mothers - for advice, a listening ear, understanding, encouragement - someone to journey alongside us who really, actually, fully gets it.

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